Help ESL Learners Express Their Own Unique Perspectives

I write my books from this international perspective. We all bring something different to the table and we are all worthy of being heard.
I believe my books will help ESL learners express their own unique perspectives. But what makes me qualified to know anything about ESL leaners? What do I know about differing perspectives? To look at me, first judgment is always that there is no way I have a clue. But I think it is important to understand my history, in order to understand my own perspective.
I went to Swiss school from kindergarten until 3rd grade, and even though I was American, I grew up learning to read and write in German first. First through third grade were tough for me. I had a teacher who hated me because I was American, although I spoke German fluently. (But that is a whole other story). It was not until 3rd grade when I finally began to learn to read and write in English. Since I started so late, I was behind others and struggled to catch up, which left me feeling less intelligent than most. However, because I was in an international school, I realized I was not alone. I became friends with students from all over the world and found a place where I belonged.
In the middle of growing up in Switzerland, my family came to the USA for only one year: my 8th grade year. I really struggled not only with my academics, but to fit in socially. I felt less than others around me until my brother told me one thing I will never forget. He asked me if any of my class mates could speak German. Could they speak Swiss German? Had any of them lived in Europe? Suddenly, I realized I had different background and that my background and abilities to read, write and speak in a different language were a “sort-of-secret super power.” After that I began to let my sense of feeling less-than go.
I write my books from this international perspective. We all bring something different to the table and we are all worthy of being heard.
My series, The Way I See It, is comprised of six books each from the point of a different teen. Each one has a different voice, a different perspective. English Second Language Learners will not only enjoy these perspectives, but also be able to raise their own voices as they engage in meaningful discussions.

We strive to provide a platform for creating and publishing quality easy-read books for children, youth and adults. The primary purpose is to provide engaging literature that is written on a high interest level with a lower reading level in order to strengthen reading fluency. We believe that an easy-read book should maintain a healthy balance between being “easy-to-read” and developing a complex content to engage the reader in order to effectively activate understanding.
Blog Photo Credit: Thirdman (Pexels)