Struggling Readers Predict and Infer

I focus on activating curiosity as I develop the plot so that predicting and inferring are natural outcomes.
It can be a challenge to help struggling readers predict and infer based on what they have read. As a teacher I realized that my reluctant readers avoided predicting or inferring if they did not care about what happened in the plot. On the other hand they did participate and share opinions, if they had a personal interest in the story. They needed to be pulled into the plot and relate to the characters’ conflicts and choices.
When I write, I have one goal in mind. I want to engage my readers so that they feel their own opinions about the content matters. But for this to happen, I know my readers need me to pull them in to the plot. So, I focus on activating curiosity as I develop the plot so that predicting and inferring are natural outcomes. I even take expected predictions and build the plot to contradict the expected, which often opens the reader to new points of view. These moments allow the teacher to move into meaningful discussions that address varying perspectives.
Start with my series, The Way I See It, and discover how struggling readers predict and infer when the story engages them. You will not be disappointed.

My Easy Read Books, LLC addresses the need for high interest level and low reading level books (Hi-Lo Books) to focus on creating complex plots to match the intellectual needs of the reader, while providing a reading level that allows for comprehension.
Blog Photo Credit: Katerina Holmes (Pexels)