Toll Sam
Genre: Children’s Book
by L. B. Tillit
Troll Sam wakes one morning to find his understanding of The Woodland will be changed forever. He has to suddenly believe in Trolls that he never knew existed. He and his new friend, Maya, discover a lost Magical Troll. This strange new troll, who calls himself Lord Lukas, will only be able to return to his home in a magical world if his young Woodland Troll friends can decipher clues from a rhyming word map. In a race against time, they must locate the missing parts of a magical door before the magic fades. New fast moving friend Trevor and his tool belt help the trolls overcome a series of obstacles in the quest to help Lord Lukas get home. Troll Sam and his new friends must rely on each other, because when they think they have solved the puzzle, they find that things aren’t always what they seem.
I wrote Troll Sam because of the need for material that would engage a child in the story while building early reading fluency skills. The child can become captured by the characters and story line and as a result finally become a more fluent reader.